15 February 2022
The Energy Globe Award is the most renowned environmental award given to national projects dedicated to preserving and saving our ecosystem each year. These can range from personal actions to sustainable projects from companies to awareness campaigns focusing on sustainability practices.
More than 180 countries participate in the contest, and each country has a winner. The awards are presented in the same place where their recipients implement the projects in close cooperation with partners from the Austrian Chamber of Commerce and UNIDO.
On November 8th 2021, SensorFlow was announced as the national winner of the Energy Globe Award in Thailand. The project presented saved 25% of the hotel’s energy consumption with IoT wireless AC automation since October 2019.
Tourism and hospitality sector growth is causing a surge in energy consumption. HVAC systems make up around 20-25% of total energy costs and are directly related to keeping a room comfortable. A unique characteristic of Thailand is its seasonal humid climate that impacts the HVAC system performance. This factor represents a challenge impacting the guest’s comfort and environmental sustainability.
Absolute Resorts & Hotels is one of the leading lifestyle resorts in Asia, focusing on delivering the best experience to their guests. At the same time, they are committed to integrating social initiatives and promoting environmental awareness in their hotel management chain. For example, in 2019, Absolute contributed to transforming a school library in Phuket by using Ecobricks elaborated out of local waste.
While Absolute Bangla Suites had to maintain rooms at an optimal temperature to ensure guest satisfaction, this practice contradicted its environmental sustainability initiatives. This is what brought Absolute Bangla Suites to consider a smart energy solution as the best way to provide an excellent guest experience while also reducing energy consumption.
By installing SensorFlow’s wireless solution in all their rooms, Absolute Bangla Suites was able to automate their HVAC system by using live feedback on the occupancy status of the hotel rooms. One example of this is when a guest leaves the room. If the AC were still running, SensorFlow’s sensors would automatically turn the AC off without any staff intervention.
Absolute Bangla Suites performs remote management of the HVAC system, thanks to SensorFlow’s online dashboard. This dashboard shows real-time data on room occupancy, room environment (temperature and humidity), and average room temperature. These insights provided the foundation for a data-driven strategy to improve operational efficiency and overall productivity without sacrificing the guest’s comfort.
SensorFlow provides a wireless, cloud-based IoT solution that works, but the sensors can track data on a long-range ratio. Even if the Wi-Fi goes down on the property, automation will continue thanks to a single getaway connected to the sensors. This gateway is in charge of controlling the automation by using AI to turn the AC on or off whenever it is needed.
Absolute Resorts & Hotels installed SensorFlow’s smart hotel solutions, thanks to which the resort maximized their HVAC energy efficiency by implementing 67 automated A/C units in their hotel rooms. This allowed Absolute Suites to save up to 25% in HVAC energy consumption and reduce energy costs on a month-to-month basis.
SensorFlow received the award on January 18th, 2022, at the Austrian Embassy in Singapore.
Please see original press-release here.
For additional information please visit Energy Globe Website.