18 December 2020
Back for its eighth year, the region’s top mobile marketing awards Mob-Ex, rewards mobile excellence – the most innovative and forward thinking mobile marketers in the marketing industry today across South Asia, Southeast Asia and ANZ regions.
Open to any client company (public, private or NGO) or from partners or agencies or IT / solution providers entering on behalf of their clients, these annual awards seek to give merit to the most creative, innovative and strategic mobile marketing campaigns or programmes.
The awards are judged by an independent panel comprised of senior, client-side marketers and mobile experts who have vast experience in the mobile platform. 30 categories, including newly introduced, are available to cover a more diverse scope across the mobile platform.
Lendela, 2be.lu portolio company, has been rewarded at the Mob-Ex Awards, in the category “Most Innovative Use of Mobile”.
You can find the full winners list at Mob-Ex awards 2020 web-site.