18 May 2021
A unified customer analytics provider based in London, Chattermill, has made it to the BestStartup.co.uk list of London’s best Natural Language Processing Companies. Chattermill was selected as one of the best companies (across all the size spectrum from cutting edge startups to established brands) which are taking a variety of approaches to innovating Natural Language Processing industry. The company’s unique approach is the focus on aspects of the individual customer experience relevant to each client.
BestStarup.co.uk showcases the best of British businesses, the businesses that are making a difference. Chattermill was featured as an exceptional innovative company well worth a follow. It was selected for its outstanding performance: for its unique innovative approach, fast company’s growth, an exceptional growth strategy, as well as strategic management and great societal impact.
To read more please refer to original article at beststartup.co.uk